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http://www.squawkfox.com/wp-content/tods.html The organ most basic structure of each power generation is a block plate - plate (fibrous tissue) www.squawkfox.comiconsjordan.html jordan outlet npw205,tods handbags, about 40 electric board piled up to form a hexagonal columnar tube, each side 600 tubes, called power Letter tube. Therein is filled with varnish, it is visually observed as a translucent milky white, pink muscles surrounding apparently different. Each plate has nerve endings negative side, the other side is positive, the direction of current flow direction from the abdominal dorsal side of the discharge amount of 70 volts to 80 volts, can sometimes reach 100 volts, discharge 150 times per second.

Therefore,tods outlet, the electric rays have the submarine electric shock hand said. In addition to the electric rays, sting rays, star skate, the Ho skate, a fan rays, etc. weak power organs. Bringing star fish generators located behind the eyes, oval, generating capacity of up to 50 volts. Most people think the fish are all dumb, it is clear that this is not right. Many fish will make all kinds of amazing sound. : Conger will issue a barking sound; electric catfish sounds like a cat anger; boxfish dog barking can be issued; called bream Fu sounds sometimes like a pig, sometimes like a moan, sometimes like snoring jordan; hippocampus issued drumming monotonous tone.

The majority of the sound of fish bone friction,todds, the swim bladder contraction is issued rely on breathing or flatus various sound. Experienced fishermen, according to the size of the fish sound to determine the size of the fish populations, so that the next net fishing. Also weevil fish. In the vastness of the ocean, known as the Overlord sea sharks throughout the world's oceans, in China there are 70 kinds of sea (around 350 species) www.baratasnikeairmaxl.com nike gag18. Most sharks in favor of man and harmless, only 30 kinds of sharks attack humans and boats for no reason.

