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Bows and arrows,supra shoes, hidden weapon have fired at a group of bandits, a time lament, groan everywhere. Wade jumped out the knife in his hand waved and said: his brothers, as I kill a group of bandits! Wade gave the order, the crowd jumped from the bushes, the bandits brandished a knife and cut down to the ground. Lin Ruo pulled out the sword, joined the ranks of the massacre were the. The seventeen to kill God, shot at the same time, not long before, so many bandits have forgotten what it is called resistance, the four floating blood, the smell of blood filled the Road.

Lin Ruo gave the order, the men crowd also shouted: surrender does not kill! Quick to lay down their arms and surrender! As the Zeishou has been killed, and bandits who heroically killed was almost the same, only a few timid, hear surrender does not kill, the moment immediately knelt down and lay down their arms, screaming for mercy. Forest wiped the blood on his face, could not resist the urge to belly vomiting, not far from Dian Wei and Xu Chu said: supra sneakers two weapons, these people, then supra skytop trapped them and brought the village.

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